2025 Opens Soon
Border to Badland Ultra
Seminole Canyon State Park & Historic Site
Comstock Texas
5k, 10k, 13.1mi, 26.2mi, 50k, 50mi
TBD, 2025

Eco Trail Race
5k, 10k, 13.1mi, 26.2mi, 50k, 50mi
This is more than just a race. This is an experience. Come take in the prehistoric area dating back some 10,000 years in a sprawling desert, with majestic canyons.

Join the Fun
As a Volunteer, you are the person that gives the runner the support and motivation to continue. We know how important each of you are to the entire day and promise you a fun and rewarding experience.

Great Opportunity
This is a great opportunity to share your company, brand and services with a large and targeted group. As a sponsor of one or more events, you can select from the multiple sponsorship levels available.
The Race
The Course
Come run through the second largest desert in North America. Seminole Canyon State Park is a prehistoric area dating back 10,000 years. This is where Indigenous people left cave art as evidence of their presence tucked into the weather-beaten Chihuahuan Desert.
Experience the unique desert wildlife and flora. Be awe-inspired by the incredible views of where the Seminole Canyon meets the Rio Grande River. View from a distance, cave art as you traverse this loop course over technical single-track trail and backcountry jeep roads.
This is a bucket list event that you don’t want to miss.
DOGS: Due to the condensed Start / Finish area, along with the Park, we discourage participants from bringing dogs / pets to this race.
PASSPORT: You DO NOT need a passport for this race. However, if you travel to Mexico via the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas you will need a valid passport.
Start and Finish Times
Located half a mile down the trail from the Canyon Rim parking lot
6:00 am 50 mi
7:00 am Marathon, 50k
7:30 am Half Marathon
8:00 am 5k, 10k
4:00 pm 5k, 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50k
4:30 pm All 50 mile racers must start their last lap
6:00 pm 50 mile
RACE BRIEFINGS - begin 10 minutes prior to race start time, at the start line
RACES START - on the scheduled time for each distance and late starts are not accommodated
Come in enough time to walk down to the start/finish​
Course Markings
Races are marked with in-ground flagging and directional signage for each distance
Course Difficulty
3 = Moderate course over flat terrain with some rolling countryside along canyons. Approximately, 50% of the course is technical single track and 50% dirt jeep road.

YES - this race is part of the Texas Trail Running Eco Series - Eco Challenge
Registration will remain open until the start of each distance - unless otherwise noted and/or the the race is Sold Out
A runner can step up or down in race distance up until the official race start time. After race start, changes in distances result in a DNF.
Change your distance online now
Early Registration Discounts
Sign up early for best pricing
Last day for
Best Discount - Coming Soon
Good Discount - Coming Soon
Standard Pricing - Race Day
Swag and Awards
RACE SHIRT - Guarantee a shirt, register by COMING SOON
MEDAL - All finishers receive a custom designed medal
AWARDS - The first place Male and Female in each race distance, receive an award
Award notifications are sent via email
Race Pictures
FRIDAY – TBD, 2025
4:00 - 6:00 pm Registration and Packet Pick Up
mezzanine section upstairs
5:30 - 8:00 am Packet Pick Up and Registration
At Start / Finish
Come in enough time to walk the half mile to the start / finish
6:00 am 50 mi Race Start
7:00 am Marathon, 50k Start
7:30 am Half Marathon Start
8:00 am 5k, 10k Start
4:00 pm 5k, 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50k Cutoff
4:30 pm All 50 mile racers start their last lap
6:00 pm 50 mile Cutoff
Aid Stations
Well stocked Aid Stations provide:
First Aid: Band-Aids, Vaseline and other basic first aid supplies
Food/Drink: Crazy Water, electrolytes, various salty, sweet and savory snacks
Every 3 - 5 miles
Most aid stations are manned by passionate volunteers - although some aid stations might be unmanned
Cupless Race
This is an environmentally friendly race and it is our goal to keep the trails litter free to preserve their beauty.
Cups won't be supplied during this racing event. Please bring your refillable water bottles and we will refill them at the aid stations.
Training / Coaching
At every level, proper training can help you prepare for success. Ultra Expeditions has certified coaches and offers individual and group training packages. Learn More >>

Parking, Lodging and Travel
Park Entrance and Parking
Seminole Canyon State Park
Canyon Rim Trailhead Parking Lot
P.O. Box 820
Comstock, TX 78837
PLEASE NOTE: You must pre-purchase your Texas State Park pass prior to race day and have it printed and with you when entering the park. Purchase your pass now.
Passes are per person not per vehicle. The park will have Staff checking your pre-purchased ticket the morning of the race. If the number of persons on the pass matches who is in the vehicle, you will not need to exit your vehicle on race morning. If it does not match, you will be required to pull over and purchase a pass for each additional person. Come prepared - the park reserves the right to ticket those who do not comply.
Camping (including primitive) is available at Seminole Canyon State Park. For further information, please contact Seminole Canyon State Park at 432.292.4463.
PLEASE NOTE: Ultra Expeditions is not responsible for any missing or damaged property, or any accidents.
ALSO NOTE: The park may collect fees for entrance and/or parking that are not covered in race registration. Contact Seminole Canyon State Park for more information.
Directions to the Start
All race distances start and finish half a mile down the trail from the Canyon Rim Trailhead Parking Lot
Call 830.775.1511 to make reservations and mention Ultra Expeditions and this race name to get a special rate of $109/night (+ tax), includes breakfast.​
Here's a list of other hotels are in Comstock and Del Rio, Texas
Our Amazing Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Multiple Sponsorship Packages available.