Covid-19 Updates
Important Notice in Regard to Covid-19
UPDATE: August 27, 2021
Please note any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed while in attendance at an event.
Please take personal responsibility and precautions for your own health and safety while at a race - and the health and safety of others. We encourage you to follow safe practices, as well as CDC guidance and local laws and restrictions.
Covid Policy
UPDATE: July 19, 2021
In accordance with CDC guidelines, face masks are required unless you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19
do not meet the age requirement to get vaccinated
cannot medically tolerate a face mask
The Urban Ultra Dallas and The Plano Half Marathon
UPDATE: January 14, 2021
Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases, new directives from the City of Dallas and the City of Plano exclude The Urban Ultra Dallas and The Plano Half Marathon from continuing.
If you registered for either of these races you have been sent an email with your options.
Please check our website and social media for further updates.
We want to thank our beloved running community, as a whole, for your support.
It's time to run. What to expect when attending an event.
The safety of the Ultra Expeditions team, volunteers, runners, spectators and community is a top priority and we are mindful and monitoring the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19). We will follow the Texas Health and Human Services recommended guidelines and also follow any city, park and venue requirements.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions race registration will be limited. Please register early to guarantee your race entry.
Here are the details for the Guidelines for Outdoor Events.
If things change, we will abide by any updated recommendations and guidelines. To learn more about the state managed requirements and to get any updates, visit the official Government website.
Here are a few things to expect when attending a race.
We will diligently work to limit the spread or transmission of the virus by continuing to provide important supplies at all races and take extra precautions to create a safe environment. Here are a few of the measures being implemented:
Social Distancing - We will practice social distancing throughout the event by recommending each registered participant and spectators keep a minimum distance of 6 feet apart, not congregate in groups of more than 5, and adhere to all recommended CDC guidelines. We ask that racers please limit the amount of spectators that they bring with them.
Start/Finish Procedures - Racers will be socially distanced through staggered starts at the beginning of the race. After finishing we ask that all racers not congregate at the finish and quickly move through the finishing chute.
Packet Pickup - Racers will be pre-assigned bibs numbers which will be put in a packet along with their race shirt to expedite the packet pickup process. We ask that you practice social distancing (keep a minimum distance of 6 feet apart, not congregate in groups of more than 5) and wear a mask.
Wearing of Masks - We recommend wearing a mask at the beginning and end of the race. Runners may remove their masks after the start of the race when runners have dispersed. We will have a trash cans on the course to properly dispose of masks at the end of the race.
No Race Day Registration - There will be no race day registration. Registration cutoff will be 48 hours before race day or when the race hits its capacity.
No Race Day Edits - There will be no race day edits to distances. Cutoff to make any changes (up or down in distance, etc.) will be 48 hours before race day.
Wellness Checklist - Racers will be required to read the Texas Health Services Questionnaire before race day. Any participants that feel they do not meet the protocols outlined are asked to please stay at home.
Indoor Race Briefings – Indoor race briefings that take place the evening before a race, will be cancelled. Instead, pertinent and important race information will continue to be given at packet pick up and at race briefings held at the starting line, 20 minutes prior to each race. You can also find this information on the Ultra Expeditions website.
Hand Sanitizer – Hand sanitizer will continue to be available at start/finish, all aid stations and porta potties. Please use products, as needed. We highly recommend that you bring your own supplies if product is not available.
Gloved Volunteers – Volunteers who are in contact with food and drink areas will continue to wear gloves.
Aid Stations – As has been our policy, bleach wipes, sanitizer, individually packaged water and food, etc. Please do not share bottles with others. If you are not comfortable having snacks and foods from aid stations, please feel free to bring drop bags with your own supplies.
Sickness – We are asking for personal accountability. If you are a runner, spectator or volunteer and feel that you are not well or you experience any of the known symptoms of the flu or coronavirus (COVID-19), please refrain from attending these events. If you are unsure of your symptoms, please visit the official CDC website.
Questions – You can find information about policies, race, etc. on the FAQ page of our website.
We ask that you do your part to keep the running community safe by following common sense preventative practices and proper hygiene.
-May 27, 2020
Dear Tacos y Cerveza Runners and Volunteers,
It is our hope that you and your families are healthy while experiencing as minimal of an impact from the COVID-19 pandemic as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we have waited to hear the next phase of Texas’ plans to reopen the state. Due to the recently released directives by the state and local policy makers, our only option is to cancel The Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run. While we hope to be racing soon, this directive excludes this race from continuing.
Emails have gone out to all registered runners for the Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run regarding next steps. If you did not receive the email please check your spam account. We will keep you updated through our website, emails and social media as new developments occur on all of our Spring races.
We really appreciate all of your support and offers to help during this time. We simply cannot wait until we are all able to run as a community again and support you at the finish line. We really value those times and can’t wait to see you again soon!
Please be well and stay healthy as we endure during this time!
Warm regards,
Jeanne and Jason
Ultra Expeditions
-May 1, 2020
Dear Hidden Hills Ultra, Wild Canyon Ultra Runners and Volunteers,
It is our hope that you and your families are healthy while experiencing as minimal of an impact from the COVID-19 pandemic as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we have waited to hear Texas’ plans once the stay-at-home orders expired. Due to the directive regarding group gatherings, our only option is to cancel The Hidden Hills Ultra and Wild Canyon Ultra races. This will ensure the safety of our runners, parks, staff, and volunteers.
Emails have gone out to all registered runners for the Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run regarding next steps. If you did not receive the email please check your spam account. We will keep you updated through our website, emails and social media as new developments occur on all of our Spring races.
We really appreciate all of your support and offers to help during this time. We simply cannot wait until we are all able to run as a community again and support you at the finish line. We really value those times and can’t wait to see you again soon!
Please be well and stay healthy as we endure during this time!
Warm regards,
Jeanne and Jason
Ultra Expeditions
-April 12, 2020
Dear Ultra Expeditions Runners and Team,
First and foremost, we hope that that you and your family are healthy and experiencing as minimal of an impact from the coronavirus as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we work through a plan for Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run in these unprecedented times. We have been working diligently to continue to provide a solution that is fair for all parties while we all navigate the changing landscape and want to provide you with a status update for this race.
Due to the city’s guidelines regarding events during this time, The Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run will be impacted. We know that you have trained hard and want this race to continue as so do we! In working with the Fort Worth Trinity Trails system, the City of Fort Worth, and the Woodshed Restaurant, we are happy to announce that we have agreed on an alternate date to have this race. The new proposed race date is June 13, 2020. We wanted to get this date out so that you may tentatively mark your calendars and plan accordingly.
Emails have gone out to all registered runners for the Tacos y Cerveza Trail Run regarding next steps. If you did not receive the email please check your spam account. We will keep you updated through our website, emails and social media as new developments occur on all of our Spring races.
We really appreciate all of your support and offers to help during this time. We simply cannot wait until we are all able to run as a community again and support you at the finish line. We really value those times and can’t wait to see you again soon!
Please be well and stay healthy as we endure during this time!
Warm regards,
Jeanne and Jason
Ultra Expeditions
-March 20, 2020
Dear Ultra Expeditions Runners and Team,
First and foremost, we hope that that you and your family are healthy and experiencing as minimal of an impact from the coronavirus as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we work through a plan for The Wild Canyon Ultra; this has completely been an unprecedented time for everyone! We want to provide you with an update about the status of this race.
Yesterday, we received an email that all special events in Texas State Parks will be cancelled through the end of April 2020 and naturally this impacts the Wild Canyon Ultra at Caprock Canyons State Park & Trailway. Prior to the cancellation, we had been working with the park on a postponement date within the CDC’s recommendation of no events over 50 people until early May.
We know that you have trained hard and want this race to continue and so do we! In working with the park, we are happy to announce that we have agreed on an alternate date to have this race. The new proposed race date is May 30, 2020. We want to get this date out so that you may tentatively mark your calendars.
Should there be any reason or new mandates that occur that do not allow this race to take place on May 30, we will let you know. We will keep you updated on all developments and follow up through emails, our website, and social media.
We really appreciate all of your support and offers to help us lessen the impact on our company. You all mean so much to us, as does this race, and we simply cannot wait until we are all back to our passions and to be able to support you towards our finish lines. We really value those times and can’t wait to see you again soon!
Please be well and stay healthy in this tough time!
Warm regards,
Jeanne Schaaf and Jason Gates
Ultra Expeditions
-March 17, 2020
Dear Ultra Expeditions Runners and Team,
What a week for everyone; it is our greatest hope that you and your families are weathering this storm and that you will be minimally impacted by the effects of this virus in all ways.
Due to the recent CDC recommendation, canceling The Southwest 100 race is the only option we have at this time. This decision to cancel this race is unprecedented for us as it is the only time we have had to cancel any one of our events. However, we feel under these circumstances this is the safest and most responsible measure that we can take to ensure the safety of our runners, community, staff, volunteers, and parks. Emails have gone out to all registered runners for the SW100 regarding next steps. If you did not receive the email please check your spam account.
We will keep you updated through our website, emails and social media as new developments occur on all of our Spring races.
We want to thank you all, our beloved running community as a whole. We’ve read your emails and appreciate all the support, consideration, and suggestions given to help us lessen the impact on our company. We will ALL be back to doing what we love soon and can’t wait to support you at our finish lines again soon!
Be well and stay healthy!
Safe and healthy times ahead to you all!
Jeanne Schaaf and Jason Gates
Ultra Expeditions
-March 12, 2020
Dear Ultra Expeditions Runners and Team,
The safety of the Ultra Expeditions team, volunteers, runners, spectators and community is a top priority and we are mindful and monitoring the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19).
As of now, all races and events will take place as scheduled. This was decided because the races and events take place outdoors and are not in a confined or overpopulated setting.
With that said, we will diligently work to limit the spread or transmission of the virus by continuing to provide important supplies at all races and take extra precautions to create a safe environment. Here are a few of the measures being implemented:
Indoor Race Briefings – Indoor race briefings that take place the evening before a race, will be cancelled. Instead, pertinent and important race information will continue to be given at packet pick up and at race briefings held at the starting line, 20 minutes prior to each race. You can also find this information on the Ultra Expeditions website.
Hand Sanitizer – Hand sanitizer will continue to be available at all aid stations and porta potties. Please use products, as needed. We highly recommend that you bring your own supplies if product is not available.
Gloved Volunteers – Volunteers who are in contact with food and drink areas will continue to wear gloves.
Aid Stations – As has been our policy, bleach wipes, paper towels, individual cups for snacks, tongs, etc. will continue to be used. Please do not share bottles with others. If you are not comfortable having snacks and foods from aid stations, please feel free to bring drop bags with your own supplies. Please Note – Aid station drop bags need to be dropped off at packet pick up the night before the event. They must be labeled with your name and the aid station where you want the bag. Since all of our races are a loop, we suggest aid stations at the start/finish line.
Sickness – We are asking for personal accountability. If you are a runner, spectator or volunteer and feel that you are not well or you experience any of the known symptoms of the flu or coronavirus (COVID-19), please refrain from attending these events. If you are unsure of your symptoms, please visit the official CDC website.
Questions – You can find information about policies, race, etc. on the FAQ page of our website.
We ask that you do your part to keep the running community safe by following common sense preventative practices and proper hygiene.
Our goal has and will always be your safety and we look forward to supporting you towards reaching your personal goals. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates and changes via email, social media and the Ultra Expeditions website.
Safe and healthy times ahead to you all!
Jeanne Schaaf and Jason Gates
Ultra Expeditions